王 和
一、引 論
西方教士都是精通語言文字的人。新西蘭警察部隊牧師Gerald Hadlow在Daily Post 日報專欄上批評他的英文: “‘It is LHD, or Linguistic Haemorrhagic Disease. It is the means by which our language is bleeding to death. The patient is already very sick, and most of what many of us have grown up with and valued is in danger of disappearing.’ Killing language with some modern touches. Rev. Gerald Hadlow, The Daily Post, Tuesday, April 29, 2003.” 大概他說:現代英語當病重。它的病是 LHD,是內部流血到死症。英語當處在滅亡的危機。我們不管英文的情況,只談我們的文字。中國文字也有病。這个病不是本身生出的病而是中毒,是被人串謀毒害,先擾亂它的經脈,然後讓他癱瘓至死。很幸運,它已經度過危險,可是留下滿臉瘡痍。它有五百個瘡痂須要醫治。比如: “醫、医”二字是一個瘡痂。某是?某非?
