
華文講座12.華文與西文,孰優?二。 2002-05-05









   在原則上,每個注音符號只代表一個基本的聲音.不理解清楚英語的人 就以爲,只要熟識二十六個英文字母後,便可朗讀英文了.在實際上是不可能的事.目前,一個英文字母可能含有幾個音,或一個音可用幾個不同字母來表達.學習英文的人,不可全部依據注音符號來發音,而需要死記『一個組合符號』的音.但是同一個組合字母,又可能代表兩三個音(3).有二十五年經驗寫作及編輯的美國學者 ROBERT  CLAIBORNE 嘲諷的說,這種進步革新法,已歸回三千年前的埃及象形拼音字時代了。目前,英美語的大詞典內,幾乎每一個詞的後面都有注音.(4)


註 解 與 引 證

3.  There are at least four different ways of pronouncing the r in the words like "farmer" and "Friday". 最少有四種發r聲在那些詞如 farmer Friday. Robert McCrum , The story of English, Robert McCrum,Faber and Faber, 1986, p.114.


 Different letters may represent a single sound, as shown in the following : 異字母可能表達同一個聲音,比如:

    to     too    two    through    threw    clue        shoe


A single letter may represent different sound : 一個單字母可能表達不同的聲音:

    dame      dad    father call       village        America       many


A combination of letters may represent a single sound : 字母組合可能表達單一讀音:

    shoot  character  Thomas physics       either     deal

    rough  nation     coat       glacial       theather    plain


    Some letters have no sound at all in certain words in which they occur : 在一些詞語內,有些字母毫無表音作用:

    mnomenic      whole  resign ghost  pterodactyl   write  hole   corp

    sword           debt gnaw   knife  psychology bough  lamb   island


Some sounds are not represented in the spelling. In many words the letter u represents a y sound followed by a u sound :  某些讀音在拼寫中並無字母代表. 在很多詞中, 字母”u, 先發<j> 後發<u:>音: 

    cute              compare : loot

    futile        compare : fool

    utility           compare : ooze


One letter may represent two sounds; the final x in Xerox represents a k followed by an s.一個字母可能代表兩個音;在 Xerox 詞內,最後的 x 字母代表k 音,隨後有s音.   Victoria Fromkin and  Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Language, 1974, p.191.臺灣地球出版社(Fromkin Rodman皆是洛杉機市的加州大學教授)


 Rhymes with reasons C. Burniston J. Bell 嘲 諷 說 :


- English is a funny language and you will find this sound (AH) spelt in all sorts of ways. 英語是個可笑的言語,你將發現 AH 音有很多種拼法.

    father, master, darn, calm, hearth, aunt, clerk, Derby, laugh, mark, nasty......


- There are many ways of spelling this sound (AW).有很多方法拼寫 AW 音.

    law, bore, hall, taught, war, soar, walk, four, ought...............


- This sound (EE) is spelt in many ways : EE 音有很多拼寫法

    meet, meat, seize, key, quay, fatigue, field, ceiling, receive............


- This sound (AIR) is spelt in different ways : AIR 音有不同的拼法

    care, hair, where, wear, Mayor, heir ( the h is not said in the word )........


- This sound (ER) is spelt in many ways : ER 音有很多拼寫法

    bird, herd, heard, burnt, word, journey, pearl, dirty, world, Myrtle...........

                                       English Speaking Board, 1954-1979, p.7-20


Heard(hurt) beard(berd), word sword, card ward, meat great threat等詞皆異韻.一位努力學了五十年英文的人士感慨如後:



I take it you already know

Of tough and bough and cough and dough?

Others may stumble, but not you

On hiccough, thorough, slough and through?

Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,

To learn of less familiar traps?


Beware of heard, a dreadful word

That looks like beard and sounds like bird,

And dead: it's said like bed, not bead -

For goodness sake, don't call it deed!

Watch out for meat and great and threat,

(They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.)

A moth is not a moth in mother

Nor both in bother, broth in brother.


And here is not a match for there,

And dear and fear for bear and pear,

And then there's dose and rose and lose -

Just look them up - and goose and choose,

And cork and work and card and ward,

And font and front and word and sword,

And do and go, and thwart and cart

Come, come I've hardly made a start!



啊! 英文






A dreadful language? Why man alive!

I'd learned to talk it when l was five,

And yet to write it, the more I tried,

I hadn't learned it at fifty-five.




Very many words in the English language are, of course, already spelt exactly as they are sounded, but very many are not. 有很多英文詞 拼寫與發音完全一致,但也有很多不是的.The Waverley Children's Dictionary, London, The Waverley Book Company, p.ix


There’s a bird on the bough

There’s a man at the plough

But he’s got a bad cough

There’s a pig at the trough

Jane is kneading the dough

But there isn’t enough

Jim is eating although

The meat is so tough

That his teeth won’t go through

So what can he do?

Rough luck, very rough


There are 5 different pronunciations of ‘ough’ in the above, rhyming with the following 5 words:

上文 ough 5 種不同讀音, 與下面的 5 個詞同韻:

How  puff  true  off  owe

Which rhymes with which? 那個韻配合那個詞 ?

據 Encarta 96 Encyclopedia, spelling.‘-ough’ 的字母組合,有6 種不同讀音。


4. That is (The method see-and-say or look-and-say), young children were no longer taught to spell out the sounds of syllables and words ('A-D, ad-; M-I, mi-; admi-' and so on) but to recognize the word 'as a unit'....This 'progressive' innovation turned the clock of literacy back more than three thousand years, to hieroglyphics.  就是說(用眼看口讀法),不再教小學生拼出音節及詞語('A-D, ad-; M-I, mi-; admi-') 而要小學生認識詞語 '如一個單位' ....這種革新進步法把時鐘轉回三千年前的埃及象形拼音法了.  Robert Claiborne, The life & times of the English Language, Bloomsbury, 1983-1991, p.276. 


據國百科全書Encyclopedia Britannica, 1973-1974, v.6, p.875, English language : “English possesses a system of orthorgraphy that does not always accurately reflect the pronunciation of words.” 英文的拼音系統常常不能反影(表達)出真正的語音。


據 Microsft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia, English language, spelling. “English is said to have one of the most difficult spelling systems in the world.” 英文的拼音系統被說是世界最難之一。


The Daily Post, Rotorua, NZ, Saturday, April 27, 2002, p.2, Abigail Caspari: “…About one third of the students in their first year at RBHS had a low reading age--- some had a reading level of a six-year-old” …Rotorua男子高中學校,大約有三份之一的高一學生的閱讀能力低───有些閱讀程度相等於六歲。


    筆者觀點 目前,紐西蘭的中小學老師都不教拼音,即是教B+A=BA音.C+A=CA音.實際上,同是a母音,英語可發音不相同.若英文老師如此教拼音,將困擾學生,造成混亂,不符合流行語音。英國學者創製了數套新的拼音文字。請參閱 華文講座19注引24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 24.4


目前,英美語的大詞典內,幾乎每一個詞的後面都有注音.也許,讀者愕然,不可相信. 『幾乎每一個詞的後面都有注音』? 英美文字本來已經是注音文字了,現在又用另一套新拼音符號去注明英文的聲音許不是多餘繁複可笑的事? 這是事實.不然,查詞典的人就不會讀出正確流行的聲音了!所以,舊的詞典所注每個詞的聲音,就可能不符合流行語言了!比如:


 1. Webster's Third New International dictionary, 1909...1966.

             2. Collier's Dictionary, 1950...1986.       

             3. International Dictionary, 英漢雙解 國際大辭典,台,啓明, 1965.

             4. The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1911...1954.

            5. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1933...1993.

    (可惜本市沒有18, 19世紀的英國牛津和美國韋氏詞典)











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