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               Search for the 2nd Earth


  随着中国神州5号宇宙飞行的成功,随着“火星快车”“机遇”号“勇气”号相继登陆火星,近年来,人类在探索太空方面,不断取得新的进展,令人兴奋的消息不断出现于报断:欧洲“火星快车”最新发现:火星南极 有冰冻水   专家称火星上存在大量水不容置疑 …… “勇气拍到火星表面岩石……” 机遇号发回彩色火星照片……利用哈勃太空望远镜首次在太阳系外行星的大气层中发现氧元素和碳元素,而氧是寻找地球外生命的重要参考指标之一……在火星上,“勇气”号与“火星快车”取得联系……

  “航天热在世界各地升温,尤其在美国。美国总统Bush宣布了美国政府制定的雄心勃勃的太空新计划:在2015年后,在月球建立永久基地;2030年后,美国宇航员将前往火星探险…..  俄罗斯也在进行着同样的送宇航员去火星探险的种种准备…..


  下面摘抄一下“Search for 2nd Earth”那篇文章:

  WASHINGTONAfter 15 years of searching astronomers said last week they had found an alien planetary system that reminded them a lot of home.

  This was the first time for planet-hunters to detect what they believe is a Jupiter-like gas ball orbiting a star much like our Sun. It is located at a distance that allows for the possibility of an unseen Earth-type rocky planet orbiting in between.

  In the last decade and a half ,scientists have found more than 90 so-called extrasolar planets around stars outside our solar system . But none of these earlier discoveries has held the same potential to answer an essential question: Might there be other planets like Earth in the universe ?

  “We have a (planetary) system that is maybe not a brother or sister of our solar system …it might be more accurately classified as a distant relative, ”Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institution of

Washington told reporters at the US’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)headquarters.

  Butler and fellow planet-hunter Geoffrey Marcy of the University of California-Berkeley noted that the newly discovered Jupiter-type planet is the third thought to orbit 55 Cancri , in the system of stars known as Cancer that can be seen from Earth without telescopes .

  It is about as old ——5 billion years or so ——and about the same size as our Sun. The newly discovered planet moves in an orbit similar to Jupiter’s .

  Aside from its known planets, the new system has a tantalizing gap between the new Jovian discovery and two other big gas planets orbiting very close to the star , Marcy said .

  “There’s a huge region centered at about Earth-Sun distance , and in that gap…an Earth-mass planet could exist …and such a planet would be stable , “ he said .    ……




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