
7. Read for Fun                          7.趣味阅读


奇梦竟然成真            侯永正 编注

  超感官知觉(ESP)是真实的还仅仅是巧合?你可具有 ESP或叫做第六感觉?你可曾做过醒来成真的奇异梦?世界上确有先知先觉的人吗?有些人,包括一些科学家也认为ESP is real 。你读过下面这两段奇梦成真的介绍,有何想法?也许,有一天我们会通过探索、研究,在这方面知道得更多。

                   Odd Dreams

   Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you knew was in trouble or he would die Have you ever dreamed [1 ] something that came true later Maybe you have ESP.

   ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception (超感官知觉).It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away .

   There are thousands of stories on record . Scientists are studying them to find out what’s behind these strange mental messages . Here is an example about one of hundreds of dreams that have come true .

   A man dreamed that he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by . The driver said , “There is room for one more .” The  man felt that driver was dead ,  so he ran away . The next day , the man was getting on a crowded bus . The bus driver saw that man and said , “ There is room for one more .” Then the man found the driver’s face was the same face he had seen in the dream . He wouldn’t get on the bus . As the bus drove off , it suddenly crashed and burst into flames. Everyone in the bus was killed .

   Some people say stories like these are lies or koincido [2 ]. Others , including some scientists , say that ESP is real . From studies of ESP, we may some day learn more about human mind .

        News from a Dream

  At 3 o’clock , early on the morning of Aug.28,1883,Samso,a Boston newsman dreamed a dream during his night duty in his office. He saw in his dream a vulkano[3 ] eruption (火山爆发 ) in Java (爪哇 ), Indonesia , followed by a seaquake (海啸  ) , first with local citizens buried in the hot lava(熔岩 ),then with ships sunken.

  When Samson woke up, he felt that the dreamed eruption would make up an interesting subject matter for reading, so he wrote down what he saw in his dream before he left for home .

  When the chief editor (总编辑) of the newspaper went to his work in the morning, he found Samson ‘s writing on the table. He thought it was a draft news dispatch (电讯稿  ),so he put it for printing . Only after the newspapers reached the readers did they find that it was a mistake.

  The upset (被扰乱的  ) editorial staff (编辑人员  ) of the newspaper were having a meeting to find a way out to get rid of their trouble when news came that a vulkano eruption did happen at Krakatoa , an island between Java and Sumatra (苏门答腊  ). It erupted just when Samson was dreaming and in the same way as he had seen in his dream . The eruption proved (证实  ) to be the most dreadful that had ever happened in history and its sound could be heard even in Australia .The eruption destroyed two third of the eight-kilometer wide Krakatoa Island, and induced (引起  ) a strong seaquake that caused the destruction (摧毁  ) of 163 villages and more than 40,000 deaths.

  Why Samson should dream such a dream is still incomprehensible (不可思议的  ) .

  ( 第二段摘自SSP No. 240 / 90. 1. 9  by Ye Hu , Fengxian Teachers Training School ,,Shanghai )



[1] dream有两种变化形式,规则变化dreamed和不规则变化dreamtWPE中只保留规则变化dreamed一种   

[2 ] 巧合,在英文中写作coincidence 西;coincidencia,这里采用世界语写法,一是为了读写更趋一致,二是koincido简短易记。这里同时去掉复数变化

[3] 火山,世界各国多用一个基本相似的词,它来自拉丁语vulcanus英文写作volcano 德文写作Vulkan这里采用的是世界语的写法,vulkano书写形式与读音一致。




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