


Best Ways to learn English

 Hou Yongzheng

  To learn a foreign language is not easy . However ,we do have some ways to deal with it .

   The first step is to alter your psychological state (调整心理状态). If you believe that you can learn English well, you will learn it well . Don’t think of English as being a hard subject . Think of it as a tool that can help you ,and often use it as a tool .

   The second step is to practice your English . Practice makes perfect . You must speak English as much as you can . You can practice with your classmates outside class .You can build up your own English speaking environment (环境). Good listening practice tapes provide practice in listening to normal natural English language .

   You must get used to writing in English . For example , you should keep a diary in English .

   Thirdly, reading is an effective way to improve abilities of listening and speaking . You can read after tapes , read after teachers or just read by yourself . But you should remember to read aloud , for hearing influences memory more than sight .

   Fourthly , if you want to make swift progress, follow the advice of experts, review your work as a matter of course . There is one thing that we cannot over-emphasize in this daily word study , and that is the high importance of continually reviewing the work that you have done . New words that come into your vocabulary are as difficult to catch as little ,shining eels ( 鳗鱼), and unless you rehearse (排练)them constantly , you will find that they will wriggle (蠕动\扭动) out from between your mental fingers and slip back into the sea of language .

  If you space your review of new language and new words at the right intervals (间隔),it’s possible to keep your level of recall high .




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